Full Length Research Paper
Politics of Arab Aid and the African Economic Predicament in the Post-Yom Kippur War Arab Oil Boycott of 1973
Nwankwo Tony Nwaezeigwe
Article Number - 61A104DF4362C | Vol. 2(3), pp. 30-40, November 2021 |
Received: 23 August 2021 | Accepted: 9 November 2021 | Published: 30 November 2021
Copyright © 2025 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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After the 1967 six-day war Arab diplomacy
of African involvement in the Middle East conflict increased considerably and
was subsequently climaxed with the Yom Kippur (October) war of 1973 when nearly
all the Black African nations broke diplomatic relations with State of Israel.
Many factors, bordering mainly on oil, colonialism, Apartheid, and the
readiness of the Arab States to offer financial aid to the poverty-stricken
Black African nations readily accounted for Black Africa’s dramatic support for
the Arabs against their Israeli ally. But among these many factors oil was seen
as major deciding factor. The oil weapon which came by way of Arab boycott of
petroleum supply to pro-Israel nations was not necessarily directed against the
Black African nations but its effects came up heavily against the latter more
than it did to the targeted nations. While the boycott adversely affected the
flow of periodic Western financial aids, the expected financial aid from their
new Arab allies was not forthcoming neither was the more enduring Technical Aid
from Israel. This was the diplomatic predicament the Black African nations
found themselves in the wake of the Arab oil boycott which the present the
study seeks to explain. Keywords: OAU, Arab League,
Yom Kippur War, Oil, Black Africa, Aid.
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Nwankwo Tony Nwaezeigwe
Senior Research
Fellow-in exile@Rwanda, Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria,
Nsukka, Nigeria. E-Mail: [email protected]
How to Cite this Article
Nwaezeigwe, N. T.
(2021). Politics of Arab Aid and the African Economic Predicament in the
Post-Yom Kippur War Arab Oil Boycott of 1973. Archives of Political Science
Research, 2(3), 30-40.
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