Full Length Research Paper

Fundamentalism, Terrorism and Democracy: The 2003 Iraq War and the Extremism of Ideologies

Ancietos Mwansa

Article Number - 62668F4C86692  | Vol. 3(1), pp. 1-15, April 2022  | 
 Received: 9 April 2021 |  Accepted: 11 April 2022  |   Published: 30 April 2022

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This paper discusses fundamentalism as a root cause of terrorism and seeks to establish whether the export of democracy to the Middle East - to the point of violent regime change - can be explained as democratic extremism. The regime change in Iraq is used as a reference point. The paper focuses on fundamentalism and gives an account that will form the premise for the judgement as to whether the same way that fundamentalism plays a role in the manifestations of terrorism is the same way the use of force to change sovereign foreign regimes must be understood.  Also, extremism will be defined vis-à-vis the export of democracy through war to the Middle East with particular focus on the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and the repercussions thereof. The purpose of this two-pronged discussion is to reach a point of culmination and interaction between the actions of terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and most recently Isis, and the push by the West, most notably the US and its allies to advance democracy in the Middle East, and create the nexus between a clash of ideologies rooted in extensive actions taken to defend or propagate them.


Keywords: Democracy, Fundamentalism, Extremism, Terrorism, War.




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Ancietos Mwansa

Political and Administrative Studies Department, Mulungushi University, Kabwe, Zambia. Email: [email protected], +260978806168 



How to Cite this Article

Mwansa, A. (2022). Fundamentalism, Terrorism and Democracy: The 2003 Iraq War and the Extremism of Ideologies. Archives of Political Science Research, 3(1), 1-15.



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ISSN: 2971-7744 (Online)
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