Full Length Research Paper

Effect of Topographic Position on Soil Morphological and Chemical Properties in Doko, Lavun L.G.A. Niger State, Nigeria

Mohammed Tetengi*, Yakubu Muhammad, Panti Abdulwahab, Muntaka Haruna Abdulkarim, Wakawa Ali, and Isah Saba

Article Number - 628553206B1FA  | Vol. 3(3), pp. 16-23, May 2022  | 
 Received: 10 November 2021 |  Accepted: 5 February 2022  |   Published: 20 May 2022

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The study investigated the variation of landforms on soil morphological and chemical properties along a toposequence at Doko in Lavun Local Government Area of Niger state. Four profile pits were excavated to represent the crest, upper slope, middle slope and lower slope positions of toposequence. Soil samples collected from identified horizons were analyzed using standard instrumentation procedures. The results showed that all the soils are deep. The crest and upper slope positions are well drained while the middle and lower slope positions had impeded drainage which is reflected in the soil colors. Particle size distribution showed that sand is the predominant particle in the surface horizons while it decreased with increasing depth, and clay increased with increasing depth while silt is irregularly distributed throughout the horizons of the profile. The soil pH ranges from moderate acidic (5.6 to 6.0) to slightly acidic (6.1 to 6.5). The soils are low in total nitrogen (TN) (>1.5) and it is irregularly distributed in horizons throughout the profile. All the horizons are low in available phosphorus (>10mg\kg) except in Ap horizons of Pedon 4 where it is high (13.6mg\kg). Exchangeable base (Ca and Mg) ranged from low to medium while K and Na ranged from medium to high. Cation exchange capacity and percent base saturation were medium to high. It was discovered that changes in land form positions associated with erosion can alter the soil properties within the soil horizon and along different slope. Thus, there is need for adequate management practices to increase the soil nutrient and productivity. 


Keywords: Toposequence, Soil, Morphological, Chemical properties, Lavun.




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Mohammed, Tetengi1*, Yakubu, Muhammad2, Panti, Abdulwahab2, Muntaka, Haruna Abdulkarim3, Wakawa, Ali4, and Isah, Saba1

1Department of Crop Production Technology, Niger State College of Agriculture, Mokwa, Nigeria.

2Department of Agricultural Education, Niger State College of Education, Minna, Nigeria.

3Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, Plot 223D, Cadastral Zone B6 Mabushi Abuja, Nigeria.

4Department of Soil Science, University of Abuja, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]



How to Cite this Article

Mohammed, T., Yakubu, M., Panti, A., Muntaka, H. A., Wakawa, A., & Isah, S. (2022). Effect of Topographic Position on Soil Morphological and Chemical Properties in Doko, Lavun L.G.A. Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 3(3), 16-23.



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