Full Length Research Paper

Organizing and Mobilizing Techniques and Strategies for Human Rights Defenders in Nigeria

Eze Chris Akani

Article Number - 643035BEA0263  | Vol. 4(1), pp. 1-7, April 2023  | 
 Received: 15 March 2022 |  Accepted: 23 January 2023  |   Published: 10 April 2023

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The 21st century has become the age of rights. This was made possible because of the improvement and scientific revolution in the areas of communication, movement of persons, goods and services. This phenomenal development has broken all artificial, national and geographical boundaries. Indeed, we are all journalists living in compressed world often referred to as the global village. Unfortunately, these developments have heralded a trail of human rights, disrespect and suppression. This has necessitated the need for the training and retraining of Human Rights Defenders. They would ensure that human rights as an inalienable concept are not treated according to the whims of rulers and persons. This study seeks to examine how the human rights defenders can within the epoch of globalization ensure that people are not unnecessarily denied of their rights. The method of data collection is primarily from secondary sources. These include a review of existing literature, United Nations human rights instruments, official bulletin, newspapers and magazines. We also visited some research institutes such as the National Institute for International Affairs (NIIA) and the Claude Ake School of Government in the University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State. It was discovered that human rights in the 21st century, particularly in Nigeria has been needlessly violated. This is because of lingering human insecurity, popular ignorance, rising frustration due to rising unemployment and lack of Government political will to ensure good governance. We therefore, recommend that there should be a vigorous political education class to make people aware of their rights. Government should ensure that the protection of the rights of the people is mainstreamed in all their policies and programmes. 


Keywords: Mainstreamed, Human rights defenders, Globalization, Human rights, Politics.




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Eze Chris Akani

Political Science Department, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuorlumeni, Rivers State, Nigeria. Email: [email protected]



How to Cite this Article

Akani, E. C. (2023). Organizing and Mobilizing Techniques and Strategies for Human Rights Defenders in Nigeria. Archives of Political Science Research, 4(1), 1-7.



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Abbreviation: Arch. Pol. Sci. Res.
ISSN: 2971-7744 (Online)
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Eze Chris Akani