To submit your manuscript to us at ARRA

Prior to submission of manuscripts to any of our titles, we encourage prospective authors to read the instructions for authors for their journal of interest to ensure that the manuscript submission format is strictly adhered to.

Manuscripts should be prepared using the general style below:

Font – Arial
Font size – 12
Paragraph Spacing – 1.5
Page alignment – Justify

Prospective author are to send an email to the specified journal along with the following attachments:

  1. Cover letter: Confirming the ownership and originality of the manuscript, consent of all listed authors to publish in the journal and that the manuscript is not being considered in another journal.
  2. Manuscript: In Microsoft Word format according to journal format. Tables and Figures should be included within the manuscript except otherwise.
  3. Supplementary materials: Depending on the nature of submission.

Kindly submit your manuscript to your journal of interest with
Journal Title Contact Email
Advances in Engineering Research and Technology [email protected]
Archives of Political Science Research [email protected]
Journal of Culture, History and Archeology [email protected]
Journal of Economics, Business Management and Administration [email protected]
Journal of Research in Science and Technology [email protected]
Medicine and Medical Research – Journal [email protected]
Research and Innovations in Agriculture [email protected]
Research and Innovations in Biotechnology [email protected]
Research and Innovations in Physical Sciences [email protected]
Trends in Education and Educational Studies [email protected]

Authors should note that:

  1. All submissions will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt.
  2. All manuscript acknowledged will be undergo a desk review process. Only those that meet the general criteria at this stage will be sent for review. Authors with manuscripts having concerns will be contacted immediately to avoid delay in the editorial process.
  3. Every manuscript will under a peer review process.
  4. Comments from the reviewers will be sent as soon as they are available.
  5. Depending on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, authors may be requested to revise their manuscripts and re-send after every modification and amendments have been effected.
  6. Only papers accepted by the journal editors will be published